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  • Dust separation in origin :

After ten years of effective action of dust shooting system and varied projects appling all over the country and  recycle developing ٫ now dust separation system in origin presents by tahvie karane mehre javan for the first time .Indeed the dusts that proceed on the litter bin easily and every night in fixed time by citizen in litter bin or side of street are valuable economically and can produce income and job in national economy . unfortunately this great wealth is unknown for un and we don’t  know  we can decrease cost of discharging of process products for having part in dust recycling you should separate dusts in origin . Its better to have separate bin for which litters . In one of bins kinds of dry litters . 

 Like: pour residue foods ٫ fruit peel … and allocate Another bin for dry dust like: kinds of plastic dishes ٫ wood ٫ paper ٫ stuff ٫ metals ٫ cans ٫ … to be more cleanliness your recy cle bin ٫ you can wash glasses ٫ cans and alominium dishes then collect them.
Dust separation is applied  by shooting system in minimum time without extra cost and easy also other shooting system Advantages consist :

1. Dis appear effusion sapped dust in eorridor or elevator so:
• Save environmental cleanliness and omit undesired smell
• Disappear insects and injurious animals in buildings and environmten
• Diminish cleanliness service costs and minimum water using  
2. Diminish  and expedite in time of exiting dust so:
• Non – use elevator repeated and diminish repair and diminish repair and save costs
• Minimum electieity use ( elevator ٫ light )
• Expedite and more economical recycle industry
• Diminish parry cost and disappear dust in country
• Save natural recources and diminish environmental pollution
 By using dus shooting system in building and industry enjoy the future about its aolvantages . it s up to you the first ring of recycle and more attention to this subject  recycle avill be more sucessesful . Dust  separation in origin is more applied clean liness ٫economical.